Moving to ARM (Part 3 – Upgrading the firmware)

(Continued from Part 2)

So after rebooting back into the 4.x kernel, I started looking into what it takes to upgrade the firmware on the board. It was around this point where the technical wiki (which is either maintained by Marvell, or Solid-Run… I can’t tell which) started to fail. If I had to guess, they upgraded the underlying PHP on their webhost without checking to see if their webapps supported it. (It’s still broken to this day, but some of the (slightly outdated) information has eventually been transplanted to another wiki.)

Upgrading the firmware isn’t terribly hard, but I would only recommend doing it when you have to (ie: if you want to ever use a kernel newer than 4.x), I’ll touch more on that later. The firmware is made up of a few components:

Setting up the build environment was a piece of cake, since Gentoo already has a full toolchain ready to go. Or at least that was the case a couple years ago. Current ATF git head won’t compile with GCC 12+ or binutils 2.39+ [1] [2] [3], but as long as Gentoo still keeps the older packages in the portage tree, you can switch back and forth as needed with “eselect”.

eselect gcc set aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-11
eselect binutils set aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-2.38

It turns out ATF ships their own version of GCC to build the firmware with. I don’t see why they do this, because regular GCC used to work just fine… but I digress.

The build script looks something like this…



cd "$BUILD_DIR"/u-boot
make distclean
make mvebu_mcbin-88f8040_defconfig
make -j4

export BL33=$BUILD_DIR/u-boot/u-boot.bin
export SCP_BL2=$BUILD_DIR/binaries-marvell/mrvl_scp_bl2.img
export MV_DDR_PATH=$BUILD_DIR/mv-ddr-marvell

cd "$BUILD_DIR"/arm-trusted-firmware
make distclean
make -j4 USE_COHERENT_MEM=0 LOG_LEVEL=20 PLAT=a80x0_mcbin all fip mrvl_flash

cp "$BUILD_DIR"/arm-trusted-firmware/build/a80x0_mcbin/release/flash-image.bin "$BUILD_DIR"

Compiling the firmware only takes a few minutes once the repositories are all checked out and ready to go. When you’re done, you have a shiny new “flash-image.bin”, but how do you go about installing it?

Inside U-Boot, Marvell included a command called “bubt”. I couldn’t tell you what that stands for… Regardless, you have to have the bin file in a place where U-Boot can read it, which usually means the eMMC, you may run into issues if the file is on a USB stick for some reason… at least I seem to recall that being an issue at one point.

So “bubt flash-image.bin spi mmc” and you’re done right? Well, not so fast. After running “reset” to reboot U-Boot (or power-cycling), you’ll probably notice your U-Boot environment variables are all gone, which includes your kernel bootcmd config lines, as well as your ethernet MAC addresses. Probably should have saved those somewhere, but it wasn’t documented anywhere on the wikis.

Thankfully, I had ran a “printenv” in U-Boot before running “bubt”, so I was able to scroll back in my terminal, re-entering my missing variables, running “saveenv” to make sure they get saved, and rebooting again. I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised, because the same thing happens on x86 when you upgrade your BIOS. You would think that after 40+ years of computing that this kind of thing should persist upgrades, but I digress again.

Now I mentioned earlier that I would only recommend doing the firmware upgrade only when necessary. There was a time when I was checking the firmware repositories every couple weeks for updates, that was a mistake on my part. At some point I had pulled a version of U-Boot head which broke SDHCI support, which basically meant it couldn’t boot any kernels off eMMC or USB.

Thankfully for those jumpers I mentioned back in part 2, I was able to temporarily jumper the board to booting U-Boot off the SD card, flashing an older firmware back to the eMMC, flipping the jumpers back again, and try to figure out where things went wrong with U-Boot.

I didn’t know who to reach out to initially, because U-Boot doesn’t really have a support structure, but I found a relevant commit by a friendly gentleman called Marko, so I emailed him to see if we could figure something out. Turns out he didn’t have the same board I did, but the issue also affected several other Marvell boards he owned, which seemed to point to an issue in the Xenon SDHCI driver. A couple weeks later, a patch was merged… I tested it and thankfully it was working again.

I should probably write a part 4 at some point, since I’m kindof glossing over a lot of the minor details, like what devicetree files are for, how the kernel and U-Boot have their own files, and how they should probably stay synchronized if you want your stuff to work correctly, but I’ll save that for another time.

Moving to ARM (Part 2 – Booting the board)

(Continued from Part 1)

When I first purchased the Macchiatobin, I was under the impression that they had an OS image installed on the eMMC. Boy, was I in for a surprise. Booting the board with the serial console connected gives you something like this…

BootROM - 2.03
Starting CP-1 IOROM 1.07
Booting from SPI NOR flash 1 (0x32)
Found valid image at boot postion 0x000
lNOTICE: Starting binary extension
NOTICE: Gathering DRAM information
mv_ddr: mv_ddr-armada-17.06.1-g47f4c8b (Sep 27 2017 - 11:55:40)
mv_ddr: completed successfully
NOTICE: Booting Trusted Firmware
NOTICE: BL1: v1.3(release):armada-17.06.2:297d68f
NOTICE: BL1: Built : 11:55:45, Sep 27 2017
NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL2
lNOTICE: BL2: v1.3(release):armada-17.06.2:297d68f
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 11:55:47, Sep 27 2017
BL2: Initiating SCP_BL2 transfer to SCP
NOTICE: Load image to AP MSS
NOTICE: Loading MSS image from address 0x4023000 Size 0x504c to MSS at 0xf0580000
NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL31
lNOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):armada-17.06.2:297d68f
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 11:55:49, Sep 27 2017

U-Boot 2017.03-armada-17.06.3-ga33ecb8 (Sep 27 2017 - 11:55:14 +0200)

Model: MACCHIATOBin-8040
Clock: CPU 1300 [MHz]
DDR 800 [MHz]
FABRIC 800 [MHz]
MSS 200 [MHz]
DRAM: 16 GiB
U-Boot DT blob at : 000000007fb12fb8
EEPROM configuration pattern not detected.
Comphy chip #0:
Comphy-0: PEX0
Comphy-1: PEX0
Comphy-2: PEX0
Comphy-3: PEX0
Comphy-4: SFI
Comphy-5: SATA1
Comphy chip #1:
Comphy-0: SGMII1 1.25 Gbps
Comphy-1: SATA0
Comphy-2: USB3_HOST0
Comphy-3: SATA1
Comphy-4: SFI
Comphy-5: SGMII2 3.125 Gbps
UTMI PHY 0 initialized to USB Host0
SATA link 0 timeout.
Target spinup took 0 ms.
AHCI 0001.0000 32 slots 2 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode
flags: 64bit ncq led only pmp fbss pio slum part sxs
SATA link 0 timeout.
SATA link 1 timeout.
AHCI 0001.0000 32 slots 2 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode
flags: 64bit ncq led only pmp fbss pio slum part sxs
PCIE-0: Link down
MMC: sdhci@6e0000: 0, sdhci@780000: 1
SF: Detected w25q32bv with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 4 MiB
Net: mdio_register: non unique device name 'ethernet@0'
eth0: mvpp2-0, eth1: mvpp2-3, eth2: mvpp2-4, eth3: mvpp2-5
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0

So far so good, right? Unfortunately, the board did not boot, and it dumped me to a prompt. I started looking into U-Boot, and it seems pretty sensible… it also feels somewhat reminiscent of the Open Firmware that was used on PowerPC Macintoshes, or Sun SPARC systems (among other older UNIX bootloaders). I was able to look at the filesystem on the eMMC, and it was definitely blank. Well darn, what do I do now?

The board has a block of jumpers to choose how the board boots up. It’s a good thing… because I’ll need it later (foreshadowing). I thought I would need it now, but U-Boot can boot from the SD card as long as it can see it. I’ll touch more on that in part 3.

So I had a look online, and on their website, they have a kernel image listed, as well as a few distro options available for download. The U-Boot firmware is dated from 2017, the kernel had a date of 2018 (but is also from 2017), and the distro images are from 2015-2016. In the grand scheme of Linux things, this software is ridiculously old (even for 2021), but I didn’t want to stay on it forever. I also didn’t have a way to copy the images over to the eMMC, so my only option was to copy them to a SD card, and boot from that instead.

I was able to get buildroot installed on the eMMC, but if I recall correctly, I didn’t have what I needed to install Gentoo yet. Unfortunately this next part gets a little sketchy, because this was a few years ago now and I didn’t document it at the time.

The next plan of action was to install Gentoo to the eMMC itself. Only problem was that the eMMC was only 6GB after formatting (I believe the SPI boot option uses a part of the eMMC for its storage), so I resorted to using a pair of USB sticks to supplement the eMMC to get the install done. The portage tree takes 1GB on average (excluding downloaded package files), the kernel source takes a few GB as well when its all unpacked and built, so there was no way it was going to fit on the eMMC on top of the standard system packages.

Initially I wanted to use the eMMC as a “recovery partition” and install the live environment onto SSDs. This took a few days to say the least. If it wasn’t bad enough that the board is a 2GHZ quad-core ARM, using a USB stick like it’s a hard drive will lead to it slowing to a crawl (and possibly even hanging indefinitely… I wound up throwing out 4 USB sticks trying to install the other 2 boards). It would have also helped if I knew which devices I needed to add to the kernel, thankfully most of the kernel stuff has been mainlined.

Eventually I got to a point where I was ready to reboot into the newer 5.13 kernel booting off the eMMC…

mvebu-cp110-comphy: unsupported SMC call, try updating your firmware

and with that I had no eMMC/SD, no network, and no SATA, basically nothing. Well, back to the drawing board… and by drawing board, I mean booting off the SD card again.

In part 3, I will go over how to upgrade the firmware on the board, so we can get the eMMC and SD card working again (because I’ll have to do this a few times… even more foreshadowing).